


Easy 說 (0:58):I finally know how to chase that girl
Easy 說 (0:58):you here?
悲劇王子 說 (0:59):what gal
Easy 說 (0:59):hey~after I OK with that girl , I will help my father or simply get a computer job.....
Easy 說 (0:59):MY dream lover lor.........
Easy 說 (1:00):I tell you .....after I kissed about 85 girls I thinkIfind my love.......
悲劇王子 說 (1:00):nice man
Easy 說 (1:00):Since 2004 up till now I kissed 85 girls and tocuhed breast 50 girls.....
Easy 說 (1:01):tocuhed.....
Easy 說 (1:02):ya.........I touched 50 50 yound girls totally.......
Easy 說 (1:02):And kissed 85 girls.......
Easy 說 (1:02):Now this girl.......
Easy 說 (1:02):I even not able to hold her hands.........
Easy 說 (1:03):My most successful and esiest thing to do is date girls.......
Easy 說 (1:03):No difficulty at all........
Easy 說 (1:04):In conclusion.........The best girl Sniper is by mouth...not handsome.......
悲劇王子 說 (1:05):so great man ~
Easy 說 (1:06):ya........I do not know how the next generation girl likes........but I am able to date all girls from 18-24 ....the whole generation.....
Easy 說 (1:07):Even now.....I can kiss a beauty in 2 hours and go t o bed in 3 days or less.......
Easy 說 (1:07):Hu nan, Guang Xi , Fu Jin, or Hu Bei.......
Easy 說 (1:08):but honestly.,...except HK.......
Easy 說 (1:09):Till! actually I want to help Di Wah (編註:大華) to loss his first kiss.........
Easy 說 (1:09):You know, he is still never been kissed.....
Easy 說 (1:09):Oh, about 30 girls kissed me before........
悲劇王子 說 (1:09):hahaaa
Easy 說 (1:10):I asked them.....one kiss on my cheek.........
Easy 說 (1:10):Left cheek , right cheek and my lips....
Easy 說 (1:10):And then hold her up.....sing a song to her........
悲劇王子 說 (1:11):u damn funny man
Easy 說 (1:11):And finally hold together and watch TV
Easy 說 (1:11):These are all my experience.....not cheating........
Easy 說 (1:11):hehe!
Easy 說 (1:12):Later have chance....show you in person how to do French deep kiss la........
悲劇王子 說 (1:12):wooo
Easy 說 (1:12):So easy and simply for me.......
Easy 說 (1:13):Just gather about $200 is enough........
Easy 說 (1:13):Let me show you........
Easy 說 (1:13):After that all girls will say " you are so bad!"
悲劇王子 說 (1:15):hahahahaaa
Easy 說 (1:16):I am waiting for that day........
Easy 說 (1:17):in simple terms french kiss is simple use your tounge to brush her teeth and mouth.....
Easy 說 (1:17):about 5-7 minutes........
悲劇王子 說 (1:19):so long..!?
Easy 說 (1:19):to perform need patience ma.......
Easy 說 (1:20):enjoy slowly.......
Easy 說 (1:20):Sometimes change position.......
Easy 說 (1:20):sometimes..........kissing and saying some sweet words to her........
悲劇王子 說 (1:21):u really have damn much experience man
Easy 說 (1:21):Girls ears are soft..don;t you know?
悲劇王子 說 (1:22):yep
Easy 說 (1:22):To sniper her ma..........
Easy 說 (1:23):Make her realase all defense lines.......
Easy 說 (1:23):No need to care her.........to show your man charma........
Easy 說 (1:24):This is what call girl sniper.....
Easy 說 (1:24):After some days she will call you then........
Easy 說 (1:24):This is the Sniper formula ma.,.......
Easy 說 (1:25):Use your eyes to watch her action.....use your ear to listen what you should do next........
Easy 說 (1:26):Use silly smiles to cover your color wolf emotion........
悲劇王子 說 (1:28):damn man, u teach me so much things tonite
悲劇王子 說 (1:28):thx a lot ~
Easy 說 (1:28):not a problem........
Easy 說 (1:28):I can do ...so can you!
Easy 說 (1:28):Yam can cook ....so can you!
Easy 說 (1:29):But dating wife is another story...ok?
Easy 說 (1:29):Please don;t use those stuff to date your wife...OK?
Easy 說 (1:30):Man need to be both good and bad........
Easy 說 (1:30):responsible and wild.......
悲劇王子 說 (1:30):hahaa, okay man ~
Easy 說 (1:31):When we becomes richer.....then bring you to go la.......
悲劇王子 說 (1:31):sure ~

the making of 《傻佬文滾女教室》 : 燎原火與二公子幕後對話

悲劇王子 說 (1:12):不如你post 上日記
燎原火 說 (1:12):唔得...
燎原火 說 (1:13):影o向聲譽
悲劇王子 說 (1:17):好辛苦
悲劇王子 說 (1:17):笑死
燎原火 說 (1:17):好彩佢唔識打中文
燎原火 說 (1:17):可能仲傳神
燎原火 說 (1:18):搞完野之後d女仔會話:「依~~你好衰架~~~」
燎原火 說 (1:18):哇哈哈~~
悲劇王子 說 (1:19):應該post 上日記
悲劇王子 說 (1:19):等佢流方百世
燎原火 說 (1:27):..屌..真係忍唔住笑出黎...
悲劇王子 說 (1:33):呢d 說話佢應該想搵你講好耐
燎原火 說 (1:33):屌...
燎原火 說 (1:33):頂唔順
悲劇王子 說 (1:34):笑撚死
燎原火 說 (1:38):好變態
悲劇王子 說 (1:39):但好好笑
燎原火 說 (1:40):真係要post出黎
悲劇王子 說 (1:40):快快
燎原火 說 (1:42):title 唔知叫乜好
悲劇王子 說 (1:43):傻佬教你追靚女
悲劇王子 說 (1:43):傻佬教你點媾女
燎原火 說 (1:44):傻佬文滾女教室
悲劇王子 說 (1:44):正
燎原火 說 (1:46):其實...開頭佢係講開佢依家條女佢手都唔夠膽拖架喎
悲劇王子 說 (1:46):係
悲劇王子 說 (1:46):但個度唔係正題
悲劇王子 說 (1:46):可以不理

最後都係要再講多次:記住,以上並不代表本人立場,不過在"the making of"對話中我真係有講粗口,對唔住。


  1. 嘩卡卡~~~



    仲話要幫大華獻出佢既初吻, 嘩....卡卡...

    請用傻更更既笑容去掩飾你色狼既情感~oh,yeah~~ come on baby~~

    佢仲話yam can cook喎...嘩...睇到直頭想死..

    請繼續貢獻這趣味性極點既"溝女"笑話. 真是為我枯燥既生活帶來了一點點甘露. heezzz

  2. 娜姐你咁樣即係搵著我黎搞o者...
    = ='''





