

Easy [18:18:31]

燎原火 [18:23:13]
yes? (睇下個時間...我其實都掙扎左五分鐘先決定到玩唔玩先開始應佢)

Easy [18:23:31~18:25:21]
suddenly a rush of girls
Right now have 4 gfs
Is they chase me , not I chase them (實在太把炮了)
They all don;t want to take my money
Later get you see photos
Tell you a secret, girls will love you after you away a few days
They like to think, think and think
Now I know all secrets of chasing girls (叻成咁?)

燎原火 [18:25:43]
u're god of chasing (追女之神,夠照啦卦~~)

Easy [18:26:22~18:27:17]
You know what? The girl take me $500 and then I let her go, and then she keep phoning me, and promise not take my $ away
This is the Fu Gin girl (福建人士,我睇唔明,然後二公子翻譯的,佢係GOD OF TRANSLATION)
The other is a good girl from gu zhou
She is a very good girl and keep telling me she miss me (點樣KEEP TELLING U?每隔兩秒?)

燎原火 [18:27:43]
OH~~, u really the god~ (追加效果~~)

Easy [18:27:47~18:28:40]
The other in Chang Pin , she is a little fresh girl
I ask what she wants from me, she says just want my true
heart...and honestly (真純情,好心你就咪欺騙人啦~~)
I said like know you a month and worry about you the whole
life... (唔知佢講乜,讀者請自行理解。)
And she wants to live with me

燎原火 [18:28:59]
wah (間中要俾驚嘆的反應)

Easy [18:29:19~18:31:57]
And the last is the model girl, she will go for contest as the model girl in December
I ordered a car and driving around across GuangZhou , ShenZhen and Dong Koo
So crazy, driving night cars, haha
And she hold my hands for the whole night until soars....all our hands becomes red... (你睇...幾溫馨~)
Well, this girl man (佢當時經MSN SEND相俾我睇,我唔收,REJECT佢,但係佢唔死心,用佢個大頭貼個位來SHOW,相當固執!)
The girl I showed to you
And we drop by ShangPin she bought lovers ring for me, and take "big head" pics (人地連介指都買埋,幾認真!)

燎原火 [18:32:07]
icic (已經唔想應佢了)

Easy [18:32:25~18:39:38]
All 18-24 (正仆街,人渣,細路女都唔放過)
Hahahah (總覺得佢係變態地笑....)
1 good girl, 1 shy girl, one model girl and a cutey girl (仲將以上介紹,SHOW OFF出來的女孩子做埋SUMMARY....)
All miss me soooo much (駛唔駛四個oooo....? Oh, 四個女仔就四個"O", right~)
wowowo, I am so afriad of them (最憎D人咁既態度,折墜)
And at work, I see plane girls everyday, (註:佢o向機場返工,日日見住D飛機場既女)
Hahah (又笑....變態的...)
Soooo crazy, too much women....(夠了....STOP,PLS)
one siad, oh dear please phone me, another said, you are gentleman (又來~~ Orz)
One said I want your honest, and one said, when you are going to live wiht me....
One call Eng Zi, one call little Lin , one call sha sha, one call Joey Jung (連容祖兒都上!?......)
And I always ask them to bargin for lower car fee, I ask for $280 and she can get for $130, all men are crazy for grils, but I am not, them jsut come..haha
Is that strange?

燎原火 [18:40:11~18:40:35]
what's so strange?
not strange on u
as u are so handsome
so attractive (來吧,上神枱吧~~ 捧上神枱大法施展中~~~XDD)

Easy [18:40:37~18:42:07]
Extra lucky....wowo, I am not handsome, I jsut silly.... (又難得有自知之明)
So lo man
Do you trust this?
Everywhere can date girl, in Net bar, restaurant, cloths shop, and relaxation center......oh, shit! (Everywhere but not HK lor~~~)

燎原火 [18:42:21]
why not? (回應佢問Do you trust this?)

Easy [18:43:00~18:50:31]
But still have a job...
I sleep only 4 hours in this week
And take some time to watch Olimpic (又串錯字)
haha, ShenZhen Lislie Chang.. (我諗...張國榮應該唔會同佢一般見識....如果唔係一定會激到翻生來找晦氣)
Do you trust this at all? (又來要我認同佢....好煩...)

燎原火 [18:50:38]
why not? (一樣的回應)

Easy [18:52:02~19:00:37]
Little Lin says don;t chase other girl, may I have a chance on you? I know I am wrong, I did not treasure you..I will correct and promise you phone you everynight...please give me your HK phone number I don;t care the price...
oh, actually you are quite handsome , I love you, and she kissed me don;t want to go away (oh, actually you are quite stupid...)
And I said, oh, Dear, take care, do not walk around at night, sometimes eat healthy food, don;t get hungry (九唔搭八...)
And she take my phone and said why you phone have so many girls?
I said be coz I feel not safety on you , haha, good night, I got to go... (嘩....真有一手....如果你女朋友/妻子有一日問你點解有個電話有咁多其他女性電話,可參考此模範答案)
And on Joey Jung, I said, do you need to charge phone ? so taht I may chase you?
She said, I have money, I want your honest!
hahaa.....I am dreaming...
oh, shit,...I am going to die soon.... (咁仲唔快D?)

燎原火 [19:01:00]
then the gals will follow u

Easy [19:01:25~19:10:45]
nono, I am jsut a lover, not a husband....
Beleive me, man from 26-34 are most killing years....
Girls from 18-25 are most attractive....
The most important thing is they all not chicken...all proper
girls..this is the most killing part (即係默認之前果D係啦~~~)
This is Eng Zi (又SHOW相俾我睇)

燎原火 [19:11:04]
pretty (其實真係OK的~)

Easy [19:11:13~19:13:04]
She is good at Bargin price (仲要介紹她的專長,真頂癮...關我乜事?)
All these are her model pics
This fucky girl cheat my money
And she is gone (抵你死!)

燎原火 [19:13:19]

Easy [19:13:22]
This is also cheater (繼續SHOW 相~~夠了,天呀)

燎原火 [19:13:25]
oh (已經唔想理佢...)

Easy [19:14:44~19:14:49]
She win a contest on the net, she is so tall
But she cheated me (生得高同佢跣你有什麼關係呢?諗唔明~)

燎原火 [19:15:03]
oh (繼續唔想理佢...)

Easy [19:15:24~19:16:32]
The same girl
She is good at writing
Can write good essay
Eng Zi 's dad is very rich
Every month give her $8000
That's why I want her
No nned to pay (又係FREE LUNCH~~仆街)

燎原火 [19:17:07]

Easy [19:17:56~19:18:19]
You want her sister?
But she is rude...
I talked to her before
Always fighting..
And last week went to hospital (神經病...講到咁成件街頭霸王都想介紹我識?)

燎原火 [19:18:35]

Easy [19:18:46~19:20:26]
She is also beautiful , she is selling beer
oh, well, got to sleep for a while
see you (突然收皮,好似毒癮起咁,吹脹!)

燎原火 [19:21:59]
oh, cu (終於可以停止發笑!)





