



Easy 說 (21:59): Hi Lee Wai Lun
Easy 說 (22:00): I finally got my true gf
燎原火 說 (22:00): nice
Easy 說 (22:01): I am the top rank of "mixing girls"but I am really not good at chasing [mixing girls...呢個term好creative]
Easy 說 (22:01): Finally she wins over me
燎原火 說 (22:01): oh
Easy 說 (22:02): I have no rights before her
燎原火 說 (22:02): aiya
Easy 說 (22:03): You know , these years to get a cheating sweet is very easy, but to get a true heart and willing to be poor with me is really very very hard [救命啊~~~]
燎原火 說 (22:03): u finally understand
燎原火 說 (22:03): good
Easy 說 (22:03): She is willing to be poor with me, she never wants me to have any achievement
Easy 說 (22:04): just true to her is enough
Easy 說 (22:05): You know to get a wife most important condition is a good girl and no pressure about getting money
Easy 說 (22:05): Not like parents always give us pressure to be success
Easy 說 (22:06): She never let me to talk about money before her
Easy 說 (22:06): No matter how much I give her she just refuse
Easy 說 (22:06): She said no need to pay her any money, she will get her own , never want to give me pressure
Easy 說 (22:07): At last an era of "
燎原火 說 (22:07): good
Easy 說 (22:07): dating prince need retired la [dating prince...嘩,想死!]
Easy 說 (22:08): But she is just like the Korean film rude gf
Easy 說 (22:08): Very cruel to me
Easy 說 (22:08): She is just like a female police
Easy 說 (22:08): As a dating prince, I don;t suitable to give way to girls
Easy 說 (22:09): Only girls treat me Mr. Right
Easy 說 (22:09): So I used many time to talk to her
Easy 說 (22:09): Also she is a very bad temper girl....
Easy 說 (22:10): I finally surrender to her [估唔到佢都會認輸]
Easy 說 (22:10): I think I have felt what is true love now
Easy 說 (22:11): That is to live with her peacefully...Treat her like family member
Easy 說 (22:12): Her sister also want her to marry me
Easy 說 (22:13): And actually m y gf really consider me as her husband
燎原火 說 (22:13): cool
Easy 說 (22:14): Always starting with...if I marry you then I have no rights la.....
Easy 說 (22:14): Why you speak rude language
Easy 說 (22:14): Don;t smoke la
Easy 說 (22:15): Go home study , wait for my call...be a good boy..keep healthy...don;t earn so much money...don't drink so much coffee
Easy 說 (22:16): A dating prince finally surrender loo....Just because she never want me to earn lots of money [這算是哪家子的因果關係??!]
Easy 說 (22:18): I think I finally will be a wife's pet....no more handsome face show up beofere Hu nan girls loo.....[God~~]
燎原火 說 (22:19): it is also good
Easy 說 (22:20): She is now my husband and I am her wife
Easy 說 (22:20): I really lossess all face of man
Easy 說 (22:20): So useless.....
Easy 說 (22:20): Loser Solo
Easy 說 (22:24): Fuck , I loss all man's face......
燎原火 說 (22:26): nevermind la
Easy 說 (22:26): Don't get marry ar...Lee Wai Lun
Easy 說 (22:26): Please do not follow my stupid steps [呢幾年來唯一一句說得對的說話,梗係啦,我梗係唔會學你咁啦,學你一成都死得人呀!]
Easy 說 (22:26): Mixing girls is so free.....
Easy 說 (22:26): And have excitment and faces [估唔到,他真的很愛面子]
Easy 說 (22:27): Rude gf
Easy 說 (22:28): I think she really suitable to be a female police
Easy 說 (22:28): My life is game over [真嚴重....]
Easy 說 (22:28): Finally dead on her hand
Easy 說 (22:28): I loss totally
燎原火 說 (22:30): can't say that
Easy 說 (22:30): I still don;t know why I will choose her
Easy 說 (22:30): Maybe is fate la.........[真係忍唔住笑...]
Easy 說 (22:37): She is the hardest girl to chase.........I never meet a component like that
燎原火 說 (22:39): well

放心啦,基本上我唔會好有興緻咁post呢類同傻佬文既對話,因為我都愛face,唔想lose faces,驚俾人睇唔起呀!


  1. 嘩哈哈哈哈 ~
    真係小喇叭 ~
    想笑 x 死我咩 ~





